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Who we are
The Concerned Citizens of Freetown is open to any resident who resides in the town of Freetown.  We are dedicated to a better quality of life for all who live in our town and we will share the knowledge we have with anyone who is concerned about the environment and residents who are adversely affected by growing development.

CCF continues to recruit new members and gather community support from other grassroots organizations from Boston, New Bedford, and local communities on Southeastern Massachusetts.  Concerned Citizens of Freetown's Environmental Justice Awareness Program continues to educate the citizens of Freetown about the functions of both state and federal environmental protection agencies, environmental regulations and the law, environmental pollution, toxic waste, health hazards and safety issues.

CCF members attend town meetings on a frequent basis to address environmental issues and concerns.  They are also involved with decision strategies and plans to halt industrial development in their residential community.  Members, supporters and volunteers participate in activities and events planned by the organization.

Official members of this grassroots organization include the Rev. Curtis D. Dias, Director; David Branco and Ed Lopes, community liaision.

We are looking for people who are willing to donate their time to make a difference for their community.  Some activities that we are seeking help for are:

1) Assist us with gathering information for the publication of our newsletter.

2) Assist us with mass mailings.

3) Attend town meetings and those held by the Board of Selectmen, Conservation
     Commission, Planning Board, and Water Commission where decisions
     impacting our community are made.

4) Organize and participate in CCF sponsored events.

5) Contact residents about upcoming town meetings.

6) Post flyers and other notices around town.

7) Pass out environmental literature door to door in the community.

8) Donate money to benefit our environmental justice awareness program.

We also are seeking those who have problems and issues that are impacting them.  We will do our best to utilize our knowledge and resources to help any in Freetown who are adversely impacted by activities in their neighborhood and who are being denied a clean environment. 

contact us if you are willing to volunteer, if you need help, or if you wish to find out more about our organization.

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